Basic Acoustics Training & Workprogram On Methodologies for Acoustics – Network

The BATWOMAN ITN aimed at structuring research training in basic and advanced acoustics and setting up a work program on methodologies for acoustics for skills development in a highly diverse research field offering multiple career options.


The consortium consisted of renowned public and private partners from musical acoustics, room acoustics and automotive acoustics who merged their existing knowledge, extend it jointly and complement it with insights of recent sound perception research. This will exploit existing synergies and overcome obvious fragmentation in research, methodology and basic as well as advanced acoustics training. Providing interdisciplinary training and joining or exchanging methodology in research, is expected to have a strong impact on the skills of trained researchers as far as sound design capabilities, modelling accuracy,  efficiency and applicable frequency range is concerned. Adding the understanding of human auditory perception will help to tackle the hard problem of sound quality parameters and to better understand stimulating effects on well-being and cognition of people exposed to sound, but also harmful effects, like annoyance or even deteriorating cognitive performance.

BATWOMAN (Basic Acoustics Training – & Workprogram On Methodologies for Acoustics – Network) was the Initial Training Networks (ITN) No. 605867, funded under the FP7 (FP7-PEOPLE-2013-ITN) Marie Curie programme of the EC.

Duration: Sep. 1, 2013 – Aug. 31, 2017.


The Initial Training Networks (ITN) of Marie Curie offers early-stage researchers the opportunity to improve their research skills, join established research teams and enhance their career prospects.

For further information please visit the Marie Curie Website:



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