Prof. dr Aleksandra Smiljanić |

Prof. dr Aleksandra Smiljanić

Prof. dr Aleksandra Smiljanić

Telefon: 3370-075, 3218-380
Soba: Paviljon
Konsultacije: Ponedeljak, 13h-14h; Utorak, 12h-13h;


Prof. dr Aleksandra Smiljanić, rođena je 12.06.1970. u Beogradu. Završila je studije na Elektrotehničkom fakultetu u Beogradu 1993. godine u roku kao student generacije na smeru Elektronika i telekomunikacije. Doktorske studije je završila na američkom Prinston univerzitetu 1999. godine. Doktorirala je na temu “Paketsko komutiranje sa terabitskim kapacitetima”. Dva leta u toku doktorskih studija je radila u istraživačkim laboratorijama japanske kompanije NEC u Prinstonu. Posle završenih doktorskih studija radila je u AT&T istraživačkim laboratorijama u periodu 1999-2004, na paketskim mrežama visokog kapaciteta. Radila je kao gostujući profesor na Stony Brook University, i na NYU u SAD. Od 2004. Aleksandra je zaposlena na Elektrotehničkom fakultetu u Beogradu, kao docent, 2010. je napredovala u vanrednog profesora, a 2015. u redovnog profesora. Od 2014, šef je Odseka za telekomunikacije i informacione tehnologije .

Aleksandra Smiljanić se bavi istraživačkim temama u oblasti internet tehnologija. Predložila je nove napredne algoritme za prosleđivanje i usmeravanje paketa u Internet ruterima. Unapređenja su postignuta u pogledu: skalabilnosti, odnosno kapaciteta rutera koje algoritmi mogu da podrže; kvaliteta servisa i fleksibilnosti, odnosno brzine reagovanja na promene saobraćajnih matrica. Publikovala je preko 20 radova u međunarodnim časopisima sa Sci liste, od kojih su većina kategorije M21. Ovi naučni radovi u žurnalima i na konferencijama imaju više od 100 citata u žurnalima sa Sci liste. Od 2005. godine bila je rukovodioc tri istraživačko-razvojna projekta Ministarstva nauke u oblasti paketskih svičeva i rutera velikog kapaciteta. Na ovim projektima su implementirani novi algoritmi za unapređenje funkcionalnosti i performansi Internet rutera. Aleksandra je takođe i inovator na preko deset međunarodnih patenata koji su u vlasništvu kompanija AT&T i NEC, a prihvaćeni su u SAD, EU, Japanu, i Kini.

Aleksandra drži nastavu u oblasti Internet tehnologija, na osnovnim, master i doktorskim studijama. Na Elektrotehničkom fakultetu u Beogradu uvela je i razvila četiri predmeta: Osnovi i primene Interneta, Internet programiranje, Arhitektura svičeva i rutera i Programiranje komunikacionog hardvera. Osim ovih predmeta predavala je Komutacione sisteme i Digitalne komunikacije na Stoni Bruk univerzitetu, i držala vežbe iz više predmeta na Prinston univerzitetu. Autor je dva udžbenika “Programiranje FPGA Alterinih čipova“, i “Osnove i primena Interneta“.

Aleksandra Smiljanić je bila član tehničkih komiteta većeg broja međunarodnih konferencija, i urednik međunarodnih časopisa visokog ranga: IEEE Communication Letters (M21/M22), OSA Journal on Optical Networking (sada JOCN-M21), i IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications (M21). Takođe je bila recenzent i evaluator preko 50 FP7 i Horizon2020 evropskih projekata.

Bila je organizator međunarodne konferencije IEEE HPSR 2012 u Beogradu, i Tehnički je kopredsedavajući za konferencije IEEE HPSR 2014 i 2016 organizovane u Kanadi, i Japanu, respektivno. Trenutno je potpresednik programskog odbora konferencije ETRAN.

U periodu 2007-2008 bila je ministar za telekomunikacije i informaciono društvo Republike Srbije. Važniji doprinosi koje je ostvarila kao ministar su sledeći: lokalizacija softvera otvorenog koda, organizacija konferencije o FP7 programu, organizacija državne posete sajmu ITU Afrika, suprostavljanje prodaji Telekoma Srbije, priprema javnog tendera za implementaciju elektronske uprave, dodela stipendija za doktorante u oblasti telekomunikacija i informacionih tehnologija.


Radovi u časopisimaRadovi na konferencijamaKnjigePatenti

  1. H Redžović, A Smiljanić, M Vesović, “Implementation and Performance Comparison of High-Capacity Software Routers,” Computer Networks, vol. 183, pp. 75-85, December 2020.
  2. Strahinja Janković, Aleksandra Smiljanić, Mihailo Vesović, Hasan Redžović, Marija Bežulj, Andreja Radošević, Slaven Moro, “High-capacity FPGA Router for Satellite Backbone Network,” IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, pp. 1557-9603, 2019.
  3. Hasan Redžović, Zoran Čiča, Aleksandra Smiljanić, “Traffic Modelling Challenges on 10 Gbit/s Links using Netmap Platform,” TELFOR Journal, 11, 2, pp. 78 – 83, 2019.
  4. Teodora Komazec, Aleksandra Smiljanić, Hasan Redžović, and Andreja Radošević, “Implementation of RSVP protocol in Quagga software,” TELFOR Journal, pp. 2 – 7, 2019.
  5. M. Vesović, A. Smiljanić,  and M. Tomašević, „Analyzing Capabilities of Commercial and Open-Source Routers to Implement Atomic BGP,“ Telfor Journal,  Vol. 9, No. 1, 2017, pp. 2-7.
  6. H. Redžović, M. Vesović, A. Smiljanić, M. Bjelica,Energy-efficient network processing based on netmap platform,“  IET Electronic Letters, Issue 6, March 2017, pp. 407-409.
  7. M. Vesović, A. Smiljanić, D. Kostić, „Performance of Shortest Path Algorithm Based on Parallel Vertex Traversal,“  Serbian Journal Of Electrical Engineering, vol. 13, no. 1, 2016, pp. 31-43.
  8. A.Smiljanić, J. Chao, C. Minkenberg, E. Oki, and M. Hamdi, “Guest Editorial: Switching and Routing for Scalable and Energy-Efficient Networking,” IEEE Journal on Selected Areas of Communications, Vol. 32, No. 1, January 2014, pp. 1-3.
  9. A. Cvjetić, and A. Smiljanić, “Improving BGP Protocol to Advertise Multiple Routes for the Same Destination Prefix,” IEEE Communication Letters, Vol. 18, Issue 1, January 2014, pp. 106-109.
  10. N. Maksić, and A. Smiljanić, “Improving utilization of data center networks,” IEEE Communication Magazine, Vol. 51, Issue 11, November 2013, pp. 32-38.
  11. Nataša Maksić, and Aleksandra Smiljanić, „Platform for Capacity Reservation in IP Networks,“  Serbian Journal of Electrical Engineering, February 2013, pp. 103-111.
  12. Smiljanić, and Z. Čiča, “A Comparative Review of Scalable Lookup Algorithms,”  (Invited Paper), Computer Networks, Vol. 56, Issue 13, September 2012, pp. 3040-3054.
  13. Z. Čiča, A. Smiljanić, “Balanced Parallelised Frugal IPv6 Lookup Algorithm,”  IET Electronics Letters, Vol. 47, Issue 17, August 2011, pp. 963-965.
  14. N. Maksić, P. Knežević, M.  Antić, A. Smiljanić,“Influence of Load Balancing on Quality of Real Time Data Transmission,” Serbian Journal of Electrical Engineering,  December 2009, pp. 515-524.
  15. M. Petrović, A. Smiljanić, M. Blagojević, “Design of the Switching Controller for the High-Capacity Non-Blocking Internet Router,”   IEEE Transactions on VLSI,August 2009,pp. 1157-1161.
  16. A. Smiljanić, „Rate and Delay Guarantees Provided by  Clos Packet Switches with Load Balancing,“  IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, February 2008, pp. 170-182.
  17. M. Boroditsky, N.J. Frigo, C.F. Lam, K.F. Dreyer, D.A. Ackerman, J.E. Johnson, L.J.P. Ketelsen,     A. Chen, A. Smiljanić, „Experimental Demonstration of Composite-Packet-Switched WDM Network,“  IEEE/OSA Journal of Lightwave Technology, August 2003, pp. 1717-1722.
  18. A. Smiljanić, „Focus Issue: High-Capacity Packet-Switched Fabrics,“ OSA Journal on Optical Networking,, July 2003, pp. 213-266.
  19. A. Smiljanić, „Scheduling of Multicast Traffic in High-Capacity Packet Switches,“ IEEE Communication Magazine, November 2002, pp. 72-77.
  20. A. Smiljanić, „Flexible Multicasting in High-Capacity Packet Switches,“ IEEE Communication Letters, August 2002, pp. 349-351.
  21. A. Smiljanić, „Flexible Bandwidth Allocation in High-Capacity Packet Switches,“ IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, April 2002, pp. 287-293.
  22. A. Smiljanić,   M. Boroditsky,  and  N.J. Frigo, „High-Capacity Packet-Switched   Optical Ring Network,“ IEEE Communication Letters, March 2002, pp. 111-113.
  23. P.P. Iannone, K.C. Reichman, A. Smiljanić, N.J. Frigo, A.H. Gnauck, L.H. Spiekman, R.M. Derosier, „A Transparent WDM Network Featuring Shared Virtual Rings,“ IEEE/OSA Journal of Lightwave Technology, December 2000, pp. 1955-1963.
  24. M. Antić, and A. Smiljanić, “Cost Reduction of Reliable Networks Using Load Balanced Routing,” IEEECommunicationLetters,March 2010, pp. 263-265.
  25.  A. Cvjetić,  and A. Smiljanić, „Analyzing Capabilities of Commercial and Open-Source Routers to Implement Atomic BGP,“ Telfor Journal,  Vol. 2, No. 1, 2010, pp. 13-17.
  26. M. Antić, N. Maksić, P. Knežević, A. Smiljanić, “Two Phase Load Balanced Routing using OSPF”, IEEE Journal on Selected Areas of Communications  (Recent Advances in Autonomic Communications), January 2010, pp. 51-59.
  27. M. Antić, and A. Smiljanić, „RoutingwithLoadBalancing: Increasing the Guaranteed NodeTraffics,“IEEECommunicationLetters, June 2009, pp. 450-452.
  28. M. Blagojević, and A. Smiljanić, „Design of the Multicast Controller for the High-Capacity Internet Router,“ IET Electronic Letters, January 2008, pp. 255-256.
  29. M. Petrović, and A. Smiljanić, „Optimization of the Scheduler for the Non-Blocking High-Capacity Router,“ IEEE Communication Letters, June 2007, pp. 534-536.
  30. A. Smiljanić, „Bandwidth Reservations by Maximal Matching Algorithms,“ IEEE Communication Letters, March 2004, pp. 177-179.
  • Teodora Komazec, Aleksandra Smiljanić, Milan Bjelica and Mihailo Vesović, Power Consumption of 100GE Packet Processor Depending on a Lookup Table Size, Proceedings of 7th International Conference on Electrical, Electronics and Computing Engineering, IcETRAN 2020, Niš, Serbia, September 28–30, 2020
  • A. Smiljanić, “Serbian Environmental Protection in Social Media,” International Conference IMPEDE 2019, Belgrade
  • Hasan Redžović, Aleksandra Smiljanić, Mihailo Vesović, “Software Platform for Network Testing with DPDK Traffic Generators,” Third International Balkan Conference on Communications and Networking BalkanCom 2019, Skoplje, Severna Makedonija, 10-12 jun, 2019
  • M. Vesović, H. Redžović, A. Smiljanić, “Implementation of the MPLS Label Switching Procedure for the High-Speed Software Routers,” in Proceedings of 6th International Conference on Electrical, Electronics and Computing Engineering, IcETRAN 2019, pp. 978-982, Silver Lake, Serbia, June 3–6, 2019
  • Teodora Komazec, Aleksandra Smiljanić, Hasan Redžović, Andreja Radošević, “Implementation of RSVP protocol in Quagga software,” 26th Telecommunications Forum TELFOR 2018, Beograd, Srbija, 20. – 21. Nov, 2018
  • Hasan Redžović, Aleksandra Smiljanić, “Traffic modelling challenges on 10 Gbit/s links using netmap platform,” 26th Telecommunications Forum TELFOR 2018, Beograd, Srbija, 20. – 21. Nov, 2018
  • Hasan Redžović, Aleksandra Smiljanić, Mihailo Vesović, “Fast Quagga Data Plane Based on Netmap Platform,” IEEE International Conference on High Performance Switching and Routing 2018, Bukurešt, Rumunija, 17. – 20. Jun, 2018
  • Nataša Maksić, Aleksandra Smiljanić, “A Scheme for Congestion Avoidance Using OpenFlow,” Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Electrical, Electronic and Computing Engineering IcETRAN 2018, pp. 1169 – 1173, Palić, Serbia, 11. – 14. Jun, 2018
  • Mihailo Vesović, Aleksandra Smiljanić, Andreja Radošević, Evaluation of SDNet Packet Processors on Xilinx Chips, “Proceedings of 5th International Conference on Electrical,” Electronics and Computing Engineering, IcETRAN 2018, pp. 1174 – 1179, Palić, Serbia, 11. – 14. Jun, 2018
  • Hasan Redžović, Aleksandra Smiljanić, Stevan Simić, “Address Resolution Protocol Implementation to Netmap Platform Router Data Plane,” Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Electrical, Electronic and Computing Engineering IcETRAN 2018, Palić, Srbija, 11. – 14. Jun, 2018
  • H. Redžović, A. Smiljanić, M. Bjelica „IP Traffic Generator Based on Hidden Markov Models,“  Proceedings of 4th International Conference on Electrical, Electronic and Computing Engineering IcETRAN 2017,Kladovo, Srbija, June 2017
  • H. Redžović, A. Smiljanić, „The Performance Evaluation of Netmap Software Switch,“  Proceedings of 4th International Conference on Electrical, Electronic and Computing Engineering IcETRAN 2017,Kladovo, Srbija, June 2017
  • M. Vesović, B. Đorđević, A. Smiljanić, „Improving Software RAID 6 Systems by the Means of Parallelization,“  Proceedings of 4th International Conference on Electrical, Electronic and Computing Engineering IcETRAN 2017,Kladovo, Srbija, June 2017
  • H. Redžović, A. Smiljanić, B. Savić „Performance Evaluation of Software Routers with VPN Features,“ 24th Telecommunications Forum TELFOR 2016, Belgrade, Serbia, November 2016
  • M. Vesović, A. Smiljanić, M. Tomašević, „Speeding up IP lookup procedure in software routers by means of parallelization,“ 24th Telecommunications Forum TELFOR 2016, Belgrade, Serbia, November 2016
  • M. Vesović, H. Redžović, A. Smiljanić, S. Gajin, „Performance Evaluation of OpenSource VPN Software Implementations,“  Proceedings of 3rd International Conference on Electrical, Electronic and Computing Engineering IcETRAN 2016, Zlatibor, Srbija, June 2016
  • M. Vesović, A. Smiljanić, „Speed of Routing Algorithms in Different Processing Environments,“  Proceedings of 3rd International Conference on Electrical, Electronic and Computing Engineering IcETRAN 2016, Zlatibor, Srbija, June 2016
  • M. Vesović, H. Redžović, A. Smiljanić, S. Gajin, „Evaluation of Netmap Framework for MPLS Protocol Implementation,“  Proceedings of 3rd International Conference on Electrical, Electronic and Computing Engineering IcETRAN 2016, Zlatibor, Srbija, June 2016
  • Nataša Maksić, Aleksandra Smiljanić, „Routing Optimization in Data Center Networks,“ invited paper at Telfor 2015, Belgrade, Serbia, November 2015.
  • Marija Antić, Aleksandra Smiljanić, „Optimization of Non-Blocking Packet Networks using Load Balanced Shortest Path Routing,“ invited paper at Telfor 2015, Belgrade, Serbia, November 2015.
  • J. Seović, S. Takov, J. Veličković, A. Smiljanić, „Network topology exchange between NetFPGA10G and Quagga routing platforms,“ Telfor 2015, Belgrade, Serbia, November 2015.
  • M. Vesović, D. Kostić,  A. Smiljanić, “Parallel Single Source Shortest Path Algorithm with Parallel Vertex Traversal,”  (Awarded Student Paper ), IcETRAN 2015, Srebrno Jezero, Serbia, June 2015.
  • H. Redžović,  A. Smiljanić, “IPsec protocol implementation with Quagga software,”  IcETRAN 2015, Srebrno Jezero, Serbia, June 2015.
  • Vukota Šoškić, Aleksandra Smiljanić, Zoran Čiča, „Implementation of the Multicast LDP protocol on the FPGA Chips,“ Proceedings of IEEE  Conference on High Performance Switching and Routing 2014, Vancouver, Canada, July 2014.
  • Nataša Maksić, Zoran Čiča, Aleksandra Smiljanić, „Updating of Parallelized IPv6 Lookup Algorithms,“  Proceedings of 1st International Conference on Electrical, Electronic and Computing Engineering IcETRAN 2014, 2-5 June, 2014, Vrnjačka Banja, Serbia, pp. TEI1.2.1-5 (ISBN 978-86-80509-70-9).
  • S.Takov, A. Smiljanić,“Evaluation of IS-IS Implemented in Quagga,“Proceedings of 1st International Conference on Electrical, Electronic and Computing Engineering IcETRAN 2014, 2-5 June, 2014, Vrnjačka Banja, Serbia, pp. TEI1.4.1-5 (ISBN 978-86-80509-70-9).
  • S.Takov, J. Seović, J. Veličković, A. Smiljanić,“Integration of Quagga Routing Software and  NetFPGA-10G Platforms,“Proceedings of 1st International Conference on Electrical, Electronic and Computing Engineering IcETRAN 2014, 2-5 June, 2014, Vrnjačka Banja, Serbia, pp. TEI1.2.1-5 (ISBN 978-86-80509-70-9).
  • J.Veličković, J. Seović, A. Smiljanić,“Evaluation of the Open-Source Implementation of PIM-SM,“Proceedings of 1st International Conference on Electrical, Electronic and Computing Engineering IcETRAN 2014, 2-5 June, 2014, Vrnjačka Banja, Serbia, pp. TEI1.3.1-5 (ISBN 978-86-80509-70-9).
  • N. Maksić, Z. Čiča, A. Smiljanić, “Updating Designed for Fast IP Lookup,” Proceedings of IEEE  Conference on High Performance Switching and Routing 2012, Belgrade, Serbia, June 2012.
  • Maravić, and A. Smiljanić, “MPLS Implementation for the Linux Kernel,” Proceedings of IEEE  Conference on High Performance Switching and Routing 2012, Belgrade, Serbia, June 2012.
  • A. Smiljanić, I. Maravić, and L. Milinković, “Fair Packet Dropping,” Proceedings of IEEE Conference on High Performance Switching and Routing 2012, Belgrade, Serbia, June 2012.
  • N. Maksić, and A. Smiljanić, “Platform for Capacity Reservations in IP Networks,” ETRAN 2012, Zlatibor, pages 4.
  • A. Tokalić, Z. Čiča, and A. Smiljanić, “Performance Analysis of the IP Lookup Table Updating,” TELSIKS 2011, Niš.
  • Z. Čiča, L. Milinković, A. Smiljanić, “FPGA Implementation of Lookup Algorithms,” Proceedings of IEEE  Conference on High Performance Switching and Routing 2011, Cartagena, Spain, July 2011.
  • A. Smiljanić, Z. Čiča, R. Đenić, “Prototype of the Internet Router,” invited paper at The Twenty Eight Symposium on Novel Technologies in Postal and Telecommunications Traffic PosTel 2010, Belgrade 2010, pages 7.
  • V. Šoškić, Z. Čiča, and A. Smiljanić,Implementation of the Reliable Network Links on the FPGA Chips,” 5th European Conference on Circuits and Systems for Communications, Belgrade 2010, pages 4.
  • M. Antić, and A. Smiljanić,Throughput of Reliable Networks with Load Balanced Shortest Path Routing,” IEEE GLOBECOM 2010, Miami, USA, December 2010.
  • A. Cvjetić, and A. Smiljanić, “Improvement of BGP Protocol for Advertising Multiple Routes within an Autonomous System for the Same Destination Prefix,” ETRAN 2010, Donji Milanovac, pages 4.
  • Vukota Šoškić, Z. Čiča, and A. Smiljanić, “The FPGA Design of the Protocol for the Exchange of Labels in the MPLS Networks,” ETRAN 2010, Donji Milanovac, pages 4.
  • N. Maksić, P. Knežević, M.  Antić, A. Smiljanić, “Influence of Load Balancing on Quality of Real Time Data Transmission,” Serbian Journal of Electrical Engineering,  December 2009, pp. 515-524.
  • Vukota Šoškić, and A. Smiljanić, “Hardware Realization of the Protocol for Exchanging and Updating Labels in MPLS Network,” TELFOR 2009, pages 5.
  • N. Maksić, P. Knežević, M.  Antić, A. Smiljanić, “On the Performance of the Load Balanced Shortest Path Routing,” IEEE PACRIM, Victoria, Canada, August 2009.
  • N. Maksić, P. Knežević, M. Antić, A. Smiljanić, Influence of Load Balancing on Quality of Real Time Data Transmission,(Awarded Student Paper), ETRAN, Vrnjačka Banja, June 2009.
  • P. Radoičić, Z. Čiča, and A. Smiljanić, “FPGA based Implementation of the Multicast Traffic Processor for the High-Capacity Internet Router,” ETRAN, Vrnjačka Banja, June 2009.
  • A. Smiljanić, „Non-blocking packet networks based on load balancing“, invited paper at The Twenty Second Symposium on Novel Technologies in Postal and Telecommunications Traffic PosTel 2006, Belgrade 2006, pages 6.
  • Z. Radosavljević, M. Janković, Ž. Regodić, A. Smiljanić, “Performance Analysis of Toroidal Internet Router,” XIII Tellecommunications Forum – TELFOR 2006, CD Proceedings,  Belgrade 2006, pages 5.
  • M. Petrović, and A. Smiljanić, „Design of the Scheduler for the High-Capacity Non-Blocking Packet Switch,” IEEE Workshop on High Performance Switching and Routing, Poznan, Poland, June 2006.
  • A. Smiljanić, and  M. Petrović, „High-Capacity Non-Blocking Switches,”  Keynote Speach at Workshop on High Performance and Highly Survivable Routers and Networks, Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan, March 2006.
  • M. Petrović, M. Blagojević, and A. Smiljanić, “Design and Implementation of the Controller for the Non-Blocking Terabit Packet Switch,” XII Tellecommunications Forum – TELFOR 2005, CD Proceedings,  Belgrade 2005, pages 5.
  • A. Smiljanić, and  M. Petrović, „Speedup of Clos Packet Switches that Provide Delay Guarantees,”  IEEE Workshop on High Performance Switching and Routing, Hong Kong, China, May 2005.
  • A. Smiljanić, „Internal Control Algorithms of Internet Routers“, invited paper at The Twenty Second Symposium on Novel Technologies in Postal and Telecommunications Traffic PosTel 2004, Belgrade 2004, pp. 267-276.
  • A. Smiljanić, „High-Capacity Packet Switches, invited paper at XII Telecommunications Forum – TELFOR 2004, CD Proceedings,  Belgrade 2004, pages 9.
  • A. Smiljanić, „Terabit Switching Algorithms,“ invited paper at Asian Pacific Optical Communication Conference, Beijing, China, November 2004.
  • A. Smiljanić, „High Performance Routers,“  invited paper at joint Optoelectronic and Communication Conference and International Conference on Optical Internet, Yokohama, Japan, July 2004.
  • A. Smiljanić, „Load Balancing Algorithms in Clos Packet Switches,“  IEEE International Conference on Communications, Paris, France, June 2004.
  • A. Smiljanić, „Performance of Load Balancing Algorithms in Clos Packet Switches,“ invited presentation at Stanford Workshop on Load-Balancing,, Palo Alto, California, May 2004.
  • A. Smiljanić, „Performance of Load Balancing Algorithms in Clos Packet Switches,“ IEEE Workshop on High Performance Switching and Routing, Phoenix, Arizona,  April 2004, pp. 304-308.
  • A. Smiljanić, „Scheduling in Terabit Packet Switches,“ presentation for IEEE North Jersey Communication Society Chapter, New Jersey Institute of Technology, Newark, New Jersey, February 2003.
  • A. Smiljanić, „Scheduling of Multicast Traffic in High-Capacity Packet Switches,“ IEICE/IEEE Workshop on High-Performance Switching and Routing, (Best Paper Award), Kobe, Japan, May 2002, pp. 29-33.
  • A. Smiljanić, and B. Loehfelm, „Performance Analysis of Optical Ring Network based on Composite Packet Switching,“ Optical Fiber Communication Conference, Anaheim, California, March 2002.
  • M. Boroditsky, C.F. Lam, S.L. Woodward, A. Smiljanić, N.J. Frigo, „Composite Packet Switched WDM Networks,“ invited paper at LEOS, November 2001.
  • A. Smiljanić, M. Boroditsky, and N.J. Frigo, „Optical Packet Switched Network with Flexible Bandwidth Allocation,“ IEEE Workshop on High-Performance Switching and Routing, Dallas, Texas, May 2001, pp. 83-101.
  • M. Boroditsky, C. F. Lam, A. Smiljanić, S.L. Woodward, M.D. Feuer, „Experimental Demonstration of Composite Packet Switching on a WDM Photonic Slot Routing Network,“ Optical Fiber Communication Conference, Anaheim, California, March 2001, Wn5.
  • B.N. Desai, N.J. Frigo, A. Smiljanić, P.P. Iannone, K.C. Reichman, R. Roman, „An Optical Implementation of a Packet-Based (Ethernet) MAC in a WDM Passive Optical Network Overlay,“ Optical Fiber Communication Conference, Anaheim, California, March 2001, Th6.
  • H.J. Chao, C.H. Lam, and E. Oki,  Broadband Packet Switching Technologies, Section 3.3.5 Round Robin Greedy Scheduling, John Wiley and Sons Inc., NY 2001, pp. 65-68.
  • A. Smiljanić and C. Lam, „Wavelength Allocation in Regional Access Networks with Optical Add-Drop Multiplexers“, IEEE GLOBECOM, San Francisco, California, December 2000, pp. 1276-1282.
  • A. Smiljanić, and H. Kobayashi, „Adaptive Fixed Assignment Protocol,“  Conference on Circuits, Systems, Computers and Communications, Athens, Greece, July 2000.
  • A. Smiljanić, „Flexible Bandwidth Allocation in  Terabit Packet Switches,“ IEEE Conference on High Performance Switching and Routing,  (Best Paper Award), Heidelberg, Germany, June 2000, pp. 233-239.
  • A. Smiljanić, R. Fan, and G. Ramamurthy, „RRGS-Round-Robin Greedy Scheduling for Electronic/ Optical Terabit Switches,“ IEEE GLOBECOM, Rio de Janairo, Brazil, 1999, pp. 1244-1250.
  • A. Smiljanić, and H. Kobayashi, „An Optical Star Network Protocol with Reduced Amount of Control Information,“ Conference on Information Sciences and Systems, Baltimore, Maryland, March 1999.
  • A. Smiljanić, H. Kobayashi, and J.K. Rhee, „A Terabit Single-hop TDMA Network with the Spectrum-Domain Modulation,“  Applications of Photonic Technology 3, Ottawa, Canada, July 1998, pp. 508-513.
  • L. Milinković, Z. Čiča, M. Stanojlović, A. Smiljanić, “Comparison of minimal FPGA implementation of Two SHA-3 candidates,”International Scientific Conference on Defensive Technologies – OTEH, Belgrade, Serbia,September 2012
  • A. Smiljanić, N. Maksić, M. Antić, “Two-phase routing for load balancing in lossless and lossy networks,“  invited paper at IEEE HPSR 2015, Budapest, Hungary, July 2015.
  • Cvjetić, and A. Smiljanić, “Analysis of Atomic BGP Protocol Implementation on Commercial and Open-source routers,” TELFOR 2009, pages 5.·
  • M. Antić, andA. Smiljanić, Optimal Capacity Allocation for Load Balanced Shortest Path Routing, IEEE Workshop on High Performance Switching and Routing, Paris, France, June 2009.·
  • Z. Čiča, and A. Smiljanić, “Frugal IP Lookup Based on a Parallel Search,” IEEE Workshop on High Performance Switching and Routing, Paris, France, June 2009.·
  • M. Antić, and A. Smiljanić, “Oblivious Routing Scheme Using Load Balancing Over Shortest Paths,” ICC 2008
  • M. Blagojević , A. Smiljanić, and M. Petrović, „Design of the Multicast Controller for the High-Capacity Internet Router,”  IEEE Workshop on High Performance Switching and Routing, Brooklyn, USA, June 2007.·
  • M. Antić, i A. Smiljanić, “Routing algorithm based on load balancing and shortest path routes,” TELFOR 2007,  pages 5.  ·
  • M. Petrović, M. Blagojević, V. Joković, A. Smiljanić, „Design, implementation, and testing of the controller for the terabit packet switch,“ Proceedings of the IEEE ICCCAS 2006, Guilin, PR China, June 2006.·
  • M. Petrović, M. Blagojević, A. Smiljanić, D. Dramićanin, M. Pavlović, J. Popović, „Hardware testing of the Internet Controller Implemented on the Altera FPGA,“ ETRAN, Belgrade, June 2006.
  • A. Smiljanić, „An Efficient Protocol for an Optical Star Network,“  IEEE International Conference on Communications, Atlanta, Georgia, June 1998,  pp. 514-519.
  • A. Smiljanić,  and  H. Kobayashi, „Performance Analysis  of  Adaptive Fixed Assignment  Protocol,“ Conference on Information Sciences and Systems, Princeton, New Jersey, March 1998.
  • A. Smiljanić, and H. Kobayashi, „A New Protocol for an Optical Star Network with a Large Number of Users,“  Conference on Information Sciences and Systems,  Baltimore, Maryland, March 1997.
  • G. Petrović, and A. Smiljanić, „Power Spectrum of the Digital Signal Generated by Periodic Markov Chain,“  ETRAN, XXXVIII Conference, Niš, Yugoslavia, May 1994.
  1. Aleksandra Smiljanić, Osnove i primena Interneta, Akademska Misao, Januar 2015, ISBN 978-86-7466-536-7
  2. M. Petrović i Aleksandra Smiljanić, Programiranje Alterinih FPGA čipova, Akademska misao, Maj 2008, ISBN 978-86-7466-311-0
  1. Smiljanić, „Load Balancing Algorithms in Non-Blocking Multistage Packet Switches,“ 7,397,796, July 2008.
  2. A.Smiljanić, “Flexible Bandwidth Allocation in  High-Capacity Grooming Switches,“ 7,522,587,April 2009.
  3. Smiljanić, „Flexible Multicasting in High-Capacity Switches,“ 7,623,523, November 2009.
  4. N.J. Frigo, P.P. Iannone, K.C. Reichmann, A. Smiljanić, “Method for Transparent Node for WDM Shared “Virtual Ring“ Networks,“ 7,450,846, November 2008.
  5. Lam, A. Smiljanić, „Wavelength allocation in regional access network with optical add-drop multiplexers,“ 7,286,760, October 2007.
  6. B.N. Desai, N.K. Shankaranarayanan, D. Shur,  A. Smiljanić, T.J. Totland, J. Van Der Merwe, S.L. Woodward, “Cable Data Service Model“,  6,993,353, January 2006.
  7. B.N. Desai, N.K. Shankaranarayanan, D. Shur,  A. Smiljanić, T.J. Totland, J. Van Der Merwe, S.L. Woodward, “Transmit and Receive System for a Cable Data Service“ 6,993,050, January 2006.
  8. A.Smiljanić, “Flexible Bandwidth Allocation in  High-Capacity Grooming Switches,“ 7,072,353,July 2006.
  9. M. Boroditsky, N.J. Frigo, A. Smiljanić, “High-Capacity Packet-Switched Ring Network,“ 7,085,494, August 2006.
  10. N.J. Frigo, P.P. Iannone, K.C. Reichmann, A. Smiljanić, “System for Transparent Node for WDM Shared „Virtual Ring“ Networks,“ 7,006,767, February 2008.
  11. M. Boroditsky, N.J. Frigo, A. Smiljanić, “MACProtocolforOpticalPacket-SwitchedRingNetwork“, 6,925,259, August 2005.
  12. A.Smiljanić, R. Fan, and G. Ramamurthy, “RRGS-Round-Robin Greedy Scheduling for Electronic/ Optical Terabit Switches,“ 6,618,379, September 2003




1. Rukovodilac projekta tehnološkog razvoja Ministarstva prosvete, nauke i tehnološkog razvoja TR32022, „Razvoj servisa i bezbednosti Internet rutera visokog kapaciteta“, 2011-2017, okvirno 600 istraživač meseci.

2. Rukovodilac projekta tehnološkog razvoja Ministarstva nauke 11035 „Sistemska integracija Internet rutera“, 2008-2010, 176 istraživač meseci.

3. Rukovodilac projekta tehnološkog razvoja Ministarstva nauke TR 6121 „Implementacija kontrolera Internet rutera“, 2005-2008, 132 istraživač meseci.


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